BDMA - Decision Modeling

Jose Antonio Lorencio Abril

Fall 2023


Professor: Petra Isenberg

Student e-mail:

This is a summary of the course Visual Analytics taught at the Université Paris Saclay - CentraleSupélec by Professor Petra Isenberg in the academic year 23/24. Most of the content of this document is adapted from the course notes by Isenberg, [1], so I won’t be citing it all the time. Other references will be provided when used.


 1 Introduction
  1.1 What is Visual Analytics?
 2 Research Questions
 3 Data Collection
  3.1 Building a Web Scraper
  3.2 Data Formats
  3.3 Handling Data

1 Introduction

We all know about the increasing amount of data collected and handled by companies and organizations, but it is also important to understand that data is not the same as information: it is needed a process of analysis and understanding to derive information from data. When we have a question that we want to answer with our data, we query the data seeking for the pieces of data that might be relevant for our questions. On the other hand, when we aren’t sure what we’re looking for, we explore the data, looking for patterns that can give us insights and ideas we didn’t thought about before.

Moreover, purely relying on automated analyses is not always effective due to potential unexpected results, usually because of edge cases and situations that we did not think about at the beginning or which did not even exist by then, and because data can be incomplete, inconsistent or deceptive. Therefore, human judgement and intervention is often needed, to provide background information, flexible analysis, modifiable to unintended directions and creativity. Visual analytics is then a field that provides different tools to have a human in the loop in analysis tasks.

In this course, we want to build a strong critical thinking with data, relying on visualizations that can help us to better understand data. We will delve into the topics of Data Collection, Data Cleaning, Exploratory Analysis and Visualization.

1.1 What is Visual Analytics?

1.1.1 What is Data Analysis

Traditionally, there is the vision that data analysis consists in applying statistics to analyze data collected from the real world, but a more accurate vision would be to define data analysis as the task of thinking carefully about evidence, represented by data. Nowadays, this view is more spread, and data analysis is now covering a wide range of activities and skills:

1.1.2 Visual Analytics

Visual Analytics is the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces. It combines automated analysis techniques with interactive visualizations for an effective understanding, reasoning and decision making on the basis of very large and complex data sets.

The greatest challenge of visual analytics is to enable deep insights, allowing analysts to examine massive, multi-dimensional, multi-source and time-varying information, to make the right decisions in a time-critical manner. With this in mind, the method is to combine automated analysis with human intervention, and representing data visually to allow for interaction, insight generation, conclusions making and enabling for better decision making.

The field can be understood as a whole, but it can also be divided into:

As mentioned before, there are basically two approaches towards data analysis:

We can also understand visual analytics as a process, involving the following steps:

  1. Information (data) gathering

  2. Data preprocessing

  3. Knowledge representation

  4. Interaction

  5. Decision making

Therefore, the requirements for an interesting and efficient visualization analytics approach are the development and understaing of data transformations and analysis algorithms, analytical reasoning techniques, visual representations and interactions, and techniques for production, presentation and dissemination.

1.1.3 History of Visual Analytics

In the early 2000s, there was an outgrowth of the Scientific & Information Visualization community, which started with US National Visualization and Analytics Center (NVAC) at PNNL in 2004. This center developed the first research and development agenda “Illuminating the Path” sponsored initially by DHS (US Department of Homeland Security). At first, the goals of this center and of the field were analyzing terrorist threats, safeguarding boarders and ports, and preparing for and responding to emergencies.

The field has evolved since then to serve for larger research goals, specially since the first edition of the VAST symposium, a conference in visual analytics, science and technology, as part of the IEEE Visualizations Conference, in 2006; in addition to fundation of the VisMaster in 2008 by the EU. This represented a coordination action to join European academic and industrial R&D, with a focus in broader aplicability in different scientific fields (physics, astronomy, weather,...) rather than homeland security. From this point on, many centers in Europe have been created to research in this field.

1.1.4 Challenges of Visual Analytics

  1. Human reasoning & decision making

    1. Understanding and supporting how humans reason about data.


[1]   Petra Isenberg. Visual analytics. Lecture Notes.

  1. Support convergent and divergent thinking.

    1. Create interfaces that are meaningful, clear, effective, and efficiente.

  2. Adoption

    1. Communicate benefits of developed tools to drive frequent use.

    2. Make tools accepted by users.

  3. Evaluation

    1. Develop methods to compare novel tools to existing ones.

    2. Asses how good a tool is, which is a very difficult task for measures other than time and error.

  4. Problem interdependence

    1. Analysis in the real world often does not consist of isolated problems or questions. Problems are usually correlated and how one is solved influences how one should approach another.

    2. Synthesis of analyses is needed.

  5. Integration of analysis methods

    1. It is simple to do many isolated analyses, but it is hard to integrate them well into one tool or interface for human analysis.

  6. Scalability

    1. Information scalability: capability to extract relevant information from massive and possibly dynamically changing data streams. There are different methods to achieve this kind of scalability, among which we can find abstract data sets, filter & reduce data, or multi-resolution representation of data.

    2. Display scalability: this referes to the capability of visualizations and tools to adapt to different types of displays (computer monitor, smartphone, smartwatch,...).

    3. Visual scalability: refers to the capability of visualizations to effectively display massive datasets in terms of number of data items or data dimensions. It depends on the quality of the layout, the interaction techniques and the perceptual capabilities.

    4. Human scalability: human skills don’t scale, but the amount of people involved in the analysis task can, so we must seek to design techniques to scale from a single to multiple users.

    5. Software scalability: software systems and algorithms must scale to larger and different data.

    6. Others:

      1. Privacy and security in multi-user settings.

      2. Collaboration across languages and borders.

2 Research Questions

3 Data Collection

We tend to think of data as a thing stored in a database, or somewhere,... but in reality data has been collected using some methodology, and with many decisions taken before and during the process.

This is because the data was collected for some reason, and therefore was defined to give light on certain questions, and restricted to the measure devices that were available. However, having collected the data is not the same as already having the answers to our questions: we need to analyze it.

Analysis is a cycle, in which two big tasks are alternated:

  1. Gathering data, applying statistical tools, and constructing graphics to address questions, to obtain answers.

  2. Inspect the answers and assess new questions.

There are times when we already have the data, and we want to perform exploratory data analysis to search for patterns and questions that could be answered. But oftentimes we have a question, and we need to collect the data somehow:

3.1 Building a Web Scraper

If we need to build a Web Scraper, we should separate it into two different processes:

One need also to take into account that some sites are protected against data scraping, and we could get blocked. To get around this, we could introduce delays in the scraper, or use VPNs,...

3.2 Data Formats

3.2.1 CSV

Comma-separated value files: we all know them!

Best practices:


Different data formats to represent semi-structured data. They are all equivalent, but have different definitions and syntax.

3.3 Handling Data

It is important to always keep backups of our data, and to password protect or encrypt any data with sensitive information.

In addition, it is important to take provenance into account. We need to keep track of where and when data was collected, as well as to record any data processing steps we took, so they can be reproduced.

Regarding intellectual property, copyright and sharing data, it is crucial to be sure to know who owns the data, and to think early whether it will be possible to publish the data or not, as well as not to violate copyright (specially when scraping data).

Not only this, but any information that could be used to identify individuals is sensitive, and there might be legal repercussions for releasing it. It is important to be aware when to anonymize data before sharing. Also, regarding anonymization, it is important to note that just removing names is not enough, as there have been several studies showing how combining different publicly available anynomized datasets, individuals can be identified.

We need to comply with the regulations, and usually Institutional Review and Ethics Boards will need to approve the experiments or the data collection process before it happens, specially for studies involving people, which may even need informed consent. Moreover, in some cases there are limits on how long user data can be kept, or how the user should be notified when their data is tracked (through cookies for example).

In Europe, there is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is the world’s strongest data protection law and defines how organizations can handle information about people. It defines what is personal data, as data from which people can be identified, and requires strict treatment for this kind of data. This processing should be lawful, fair and transparent, and get ethics approval. It is advisable to process the minimal amount of necessary personal data, and to anonymize it where possible.