BDM-MIRI - Semantic Data Management

Jose Antonio Lorencio Abril

Spring 2023


Professors: Anna Queralt, Óscar Romero

Student e-mail:

This is a summary of the course Semantic Data Management taught at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya by Professors Anna Queralt and Óscar Romero in the academic year 22/23. Most of the content of this document is adapted from the course notes by Abelló and Nadal, [1], so I won’t be citing it all the time. Other references will be provided when used.


I  Property Graphs
 1 Property Graphs
  1.1 Definitions
  1.2 Traversal Navigation
  1.3 Graph operations
  1.4 Property Graph Patterns
 2 Graph Query Languages
  2.1 Types of queries
  2.2 Popular languages
 3 Graph Processing
  3.1 Dijkstra’s algorithm
  3.2 Pattern Matching
  3.3 Complex Graph Processing
 4 Graph Databases
  4.1 Implementation of Graph Databases
  4.2 Types of Graph Databases
 5 Distributed Graph Processing
  5.1 Distributed Graph Storage
  5.2 TLAV Frameworks
II  Knowledge Graphs
 6 Introduction to Knowledge Graphs
 7 Resource Description Format (RDF)
  7.1 RDF Modeling
  7.2 RDF-star
 8 RDF Schema (RDFS)
  8.1 RDFS statements at the schema level
  8.2 RDFS Core Classes
  8.3 RDFS Inference
  8.4 RDFS Core Properties
  8.5 SPARQL
  8.6 RDFS Inference Rules
 9 Ontology Languages: Description Logics
  9.1 Logic Based Ontology Languages
  9.2 TBOX
  9.3 ABOX
  9.4 Models of a Description Logics Ontology
 10 Ontology Web Language (OWL)
  10.1 OWL Axioms
  10.2 OWL Constructs
  10.3 OWL Implementation
  10.4 OWL 2.0 Profiles
 11 Graph-Based Virtual Data Integration
  11.1 Local-As-View (LAV) Integration - Ontology-Mediated Queries (OMQ)
  11.2 Query Answering - Rewriting Algorithm

List of Figures

Example knowledge graph from [1].
Examples of data linkage from [1].
Three layers of abtraction of RDFS from [1]. The red arrows are rdf:type relationships.

List of Tables

List of Algorithms

Part I
Property Graphs

1 Property Graphs

1.1 Definitions

Property graphs were born in the database community, with the idea of enabling the possibility to query and process data in graph form. Up to date, there is not any official standard.

Property graphs are ocurrence-based, which means that they are defined by the particular instances inserted, without a pre-existent enforceable schema. The instances are represented by two main constructs:

Both nodes and edges might be labeled and can have a ser of properties, represented as attributes1 . In addition, edges can be defined to be directed or undirected. Moreover, multi-graphs are allowed, meaning that two nodes can be related by multiple edges.

More formally:

Definition 1.1. A property graph, G, is a tuple (V,E,ρ,λ,σ,Lab,Prop,Val), where:

  1. V is a finite set of vertices.

  2. E is a finite set of edges, such that V and E have no elements in commona .

  3. Lab is a set of labels.

  4. Prop is a set of properties and V al is the set of possible values that the properties can take.

  5. ρ : E V ×V is a total functionb . Basically, ρ assigns each edge e E to the pair of nodes that it relates, (u,v) V × V . Usually, ρ(e) = (u,v) means that edge e starts in u and ends in v.

  6. λ : (V ∪ E) Lab is a total function. Now, for each vertex and each edge, we assign a label to itc .

  7. σ : (V ∪E )×Prop V al is a partial functiond . Here, we are assigning the values of each property of each node/edge.

Example 1.1. A simple graph.


In this example, we have the visual representation of a simple graph. Let’s create each of the components of the formal definition:

1.2 Traversal Navigation

The graph traversal pattern is defined as the ability to rapidly traverse structures to an arbitrary depth and with an arbitrary path description.

This framework is totally opposite to set theory, on which relational databases are based on. In the relational theory, this is equivalent to joining data and selecting data, while in a graph database, the relationships are explicit (there no foreign keys), there is no need to add nodes for artificial concepts and we can consider the joins as being hard-wired in the data. This makes traversing from one node to another a constant time operation.

Traversing graph data depends on three main variables:

1.3 Graph operations

There are basically two types of operations:

Of these types, we are going to focus on topological queries.

1.3.1 Topological queries

Adjacency queries

Two nodes are adjacent if there is an edge between them (usually disregarding direction). Therefore, the adjacency of a node is defined as all nodes adjacent to it:

Adjacency(n) = N |ni ∈ N ⇐⇒ ∃e : ρ(e) = (ni,n) ∨ρ (e) = (n,ni).

The computational cost of this operation is linear on the number of edges to visit.

Examples of use cases are finding all friends of a person, airports with direct connection,...

Reachability queries

A node is reachable from another node if there is a set of edges, called a walk, that can be traversed to get from one to the other (in this case, direction is usually taken into account, but it could be disregarded if needed). Now, the definition is as follows:

Reachability(nor,ndest) = True ⇐⇒

∃W alk(nor,ndest) = (e1,...,em )|∃n1,...,nm- 1 : ρ(e1) = (nor,n1),ρ (e2) = (n1,n2),...,ρ (em ) = (nm-1,ndest).

Additional constraints can be defined:

The computational cost is high for large graphs, and it also depends on what constraints are we imposing. For instance, if we want to compute the shortest path, we can use Dijkstra’s algorithm, which is O(    )
 |V|2, or O(|E |⋅|V |log |V |) using priority queues.

Examples of use cases are finding all friends of a friend, all flight connections,...

Label-constrained reachability

We compute reachability, imposing that all edges in the walk have a label in a defined set of labels:

G * = {(s,t)|∃p ∈ paths (s,t) such that λ(e) ∈ L,∀e ∈ p}.

Another way to see this is that we are trying to determine all pairs of nodes such that there is a path between them such that the concatenation of the edge labels along the path forms a string in the language denoted by the regular expresion (l1 ∪...∪ ln)*, where L = {l1,...,ln}.

Typically, the allowed topology and labels involved are expressed as a regular expression. In general, this problem is known to be NP-complete.

Pattern matching

In this case, we want to find all subgraphs that follow a given pattern. More formally, we have G = (V,E) and a pattern P = (V ,E )
  p  p and we want to find all G= (V ′,E′) such that V ′⊂ V,E′⊂ E and P~=G, i.e., P and Gare isomorphic, i.e., there are biyections V f1
→ V p and E f2
→ E p.

This problem is also NP-complete.

Examples of use cases are finding all groups of cities such that all of them are directly connected by flights (find cliques),...

1.4 Property Graph Patterns

Among the operations that we have seen so far, it is interesting, in the context of property graphs, to focus on pattern matching. Now, we use basic graph patterns (bgps), which are equivalent to conjunctive queries, and are a property graph where variables can appear in place of any constant.

A match for a bgp is a mapping from variables to constants, such that when the mapping is applied to the bgp, the result is a subgraph of the original graph.

The results for a bgp are all mappings from variables in the query to constants that comprise a match.

Example 1.2. A simple pattern matching. Assume we have the same graph we used before:


And the following bgp:


Here, I have coloured variables in red, and left constant in black.

Let’s see some matches:



And so on...

1.4.1 Evaluating graph patterns

Now, we are going to formalize a bit the intuition built in the previous explanation and example. Evaluating a bgp P, against a graph G corresponds to listing all possible matches of P with respect to G:

Definition 1.2. Given an edge-labelled graph G = (V,E) and a bgp P = (V ′,E ′), a match of P in G is a mapping

h : Const∪ Var → Const

such that:

  1. For each constant a Const, h(a) = a, i.e., constants are preserved.

  2. For each edge (b,l,c) E, we have (h (b),h (l),h(c)) E. This imposes that

    1. Each edge of P is mapped to an edge of G.

    2. The structure of P is preserved in its image under h in G.

1.4.2 Semantics of a match

Matches can be defined using different semantics on what we consider equivalent graphs, and what conditions the function h have to meet:

Nonetheless, there are intermediate solutions:

2 Graph Query Languages

Graph Query Languages are declarative languages used to query a graph. Typically, a GQL matches an extended version of pattern matching, and each database engine chooses fix semantics for it, not existing a common agreement nor standard. There are also APIs provigin implementation of graph metrica or label-constrained shortest path, which, depending on the metric or algorithm chosen, maps to adjacency, reachability or pattern matching.

2.1 Types of queries

There are different types of queries, each of them using a different access plan:

2.2 Popular languages

2.2.1 Cypher

Cypher was created by Neo4j, and acts as a de facto standard, adopted by other graph databases. It is a high-level, declarative language, providing both DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML (Data Modification Language) capabilities, and allowing navigational graph patterns, except concatenation.

It applies pattern matching under no-repeated-edges isomorphism semantics. The available clauses are:

Cypher applies a data pipeline, where each stage is a MATCH-WHERE-WITH/RETURN block, allowing the definition of aliases to be passed between stages.

For example, uppose you have a graph database with Person nodes and two types of relationships: FRIENDS_WITH and WORKS_WITH. You want to find all mutual friends of Alice and Bob who also work with someone named Charlie. You can achieve this with the following Cypher query:

1MATCH (alice:Person {name: Alice})-[:FRIENDS_WITH]-(mutual_friend:Person)-[:FRIENDS_WITH]-(bob:Person {name: Bob}) 
2WITH mutual_friend 
3MATCH (mutual_friend)-[:WORKS_WITH]-(charlie:Person {name: Charlie}) 

In this query, we have three stages in the data pipeline:

  1. MATCH (Stage 1): Match the graph pattern where Alice and Bob have mutual friends. Bind the mutual_friend node.

  2. WITH: Pass the mutual_friend node to the next stage.

  3. MATCH (Stage 2): Match the graph pattern where the mutual_friend from the previous stage works with Charlie.

  4. RETURN: Return the name of the mutual friend who meets both criteria (being a mutual friend of Alice and Bob and working with Charlie).

In this example, the WITH clause is used to separate the query into two stages. The first stage finds all mutual friends of Alice and Bob, and the second stage filters those mutual friends to only include the ones who work with Charlie. The use of WITH here is what enables the pipelining of stages in the query.

Example 2.2. Given the following graph:


  1. Return all nodes

    1MATCH (n) 
    2RETURN n;

  2. Return all edges

    1MATCH ()-[e]-() 
    2RETURN e;

  3. Return all neighbour nodes of ’John’

    1MATCH (john {name:’John’})-[:friend]-(f) 
    2RETURN john, f;

  4. Return the incident nodes of all edges

    1MATCH (n1)-[e]->(n2) 
    2RETURN e, n1, n2;

2.2.2 GQL

There is an ongoing big effort towards stardardization of Graph Query Languages, through the GQL project.

3 Graph Processing

Exercise 3.1. Understand the relationships between the basic graph operations. Answer the following questions:

  1. Is adjacency subsumed by reachability?

    No, because there is no way to compute all adjacent nodes to a given node by answering reachability queries.

  2. Is adjacency subsumed by pattern matching?

    Yes, the adjacency query Adjacent(x) is equivalent to the pattern matching query Match(x → y).

  3. Is reachability subsumed by pattern matching?

    Yes, the reachability query Reachable(x,y) is equivalent to !not_empty(M atch(x → * y)).

Note that in the cases in which a query is subsumed in another, it makes sense to have the simplified version, which can be optimized as a simpler case of pattern matching.

Notice that so far, the operations have been presented conceptually, being agnostic of the underlying technology. The theoretical costs are:

Exercise 3.2. Identify the most efficient algorithm to solve a given query. Assume a graph containing relationships and nodes of actors and films (the same as before, but with virtually more information). Define:

  1. A query that should be solved as an Adjacency problem.

    Retrieve all pairs of (P erson,F ilm ) such that Person acts in Film.


  2. A query that should be solved as a Label-constrained Reachability problem.

    Retrieve all pairs of actors related by coacting relationship.


  3. A query that should be solved as a Navigational Pattern matching problem

    People and movies in which the person acts and directs.


    NO! This can be done with reachability, repeating the same node:


    So, we need something else... If we fix something in the middle, then we cannot use reachability. For example, retrieve all co-actors related by the Movie Titanic:


    We can also enforce other complex constraints, such as: retrieve all movies in which there are exactly 3 actors:


3.1 Dijkstra’s algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm defines a method to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph in which the edges have a cost assigned (it can be used in general if we take the distance between two nodes as the number of edges used to go from one to the other).

More formally, if we have a path between two nodes, u,v, P(u,v) = {e1,...,en}, then the distance of the path is

d (u,v) = d(P) = ∑ c (e ),
               i=1   i

where c(ei) is the cost of going through edge ei. If we want to account only for the number of edges used, we can then define c(e) = 1 for all e E.

Dijkstra2 noticed two very convenient properties of shortest paths:

  1. Every subpath of a shortest path is itself a shortest path.

    This is easy to see, since if we have a shortest path between u and v, P(u,v), and we take two of the nodes that are included in the path, say u1 and u2, then the subpath that goes from u1 to u2 must also be of shortest length. Imagine it was otherwise, then there would be a path P(u1,u2) shorter than the subpath we found in P. Then, we could substitute this subpath by P, and the new path would be shorter than P. But P is a shortest path, so this is not possible.

  2. The triangle inequality of shortest paths:

    d(u,v) ≤ d(u,x)+ d(x,v), ∀x ∈ E.

The algorithm is detailed in Algorithm 1. Note that this algorithm is a bit more general, since it allows to find the shortest paths from one source node U to the rest of the nodes in the graph. If we want a specific one, we can stop when we reach it or just find it from the output. To get the shortest path from U to V , we would go to prev[V ] and traverse this in reverse until getting to U.

1for each vertex v in G.Vertices: 
2  dist[v] <- INFINITY 
3  prev[v] <- UNDEFINED 
4  add v to Q 
5dist[U] <- 0 
7while Q is not empty: 
8  u <- vertex in Q with min dist[u] 
9  remove u from Q 
11  for each neighbor v of u still in Q: 
12      alt <- dist[u] + Graph.Edges(u, v) 
13      if alt < dist[v]: 
14          dist[v] <- alt 
15          prev[v] <- u 
17return dist[], prev[]
Algorithm 1: Dijkstra(WeightedGraph G, SourceNode U)

3.2 Pattern Matching

Even considering the most basic fragment of graph patterns and for all semantics applied (homomorphism, isomorphism, no-repeated node isomorphism or no-repeated edge isomorphism), the problem is NP-complete, and the problem is tackled using different techniques, algorithms and heuristics.

3.3 Complex Graph Processing

3.3.1 Graph Metrics

A metric can be defined as a combination of adjacency, reachability, pattern matching and complex graph patterns, so the cost of a metric depends on how it is defined. Nevertheless, there are very usual and relevant metrics, which are typically provided as built-in functions. For example, the min/max degree in the graph, its diameter, pageRank,...

3.3.2 Graph Processing Pipelines

A pipeline is a list of algorithms over a graph, which are pipelined, inputting the output of an algorithm to the next one, to obtain some result. Therefore, we can see a metric as a pre-defined pipeline, but a pipeline can be as complex as we want/need.

3.3.3 Graph Embeddings

An embedding is a vector representation of a graph, and it is useful to perform data analysis using typical ML algorithms, that have been developed using vectors.

4 Graph Databases

A graph database is a software that provides a way to store and persist graph data, as well as means to process this data. Examples of graph databases are Neo4j or Titan.

A distributed graph framework refers to a processing framework over a graph database. We could compare it to MapReduce3 or to Spark4 , in the sense that it is a mean to extract data from a graph database, but not to store graphs. Examples of these frameworks are Pregel or Giraph.

4.1 Implementation of Graph Databases

Graph databases can be implemented in different ways, and each approach presents advantages and disadvantages.

4.1.1 Incidence Lists

In incidence lists, vertices and edges are stored as records of objects, such that each vertex stores incident edges, and each edge stores incident nodes.

Example 4.1. An Incidence List

This graph:


Can be encoded in an incidence list as follows:


The diagram is a bit messy, sorry for that.

Incidence Lists in Neo4j

Neo4j is implemented using incident lists, using the concept of linked lists.


In Neo4j, there is one physical file to store all nodes in-memory, with a Least Frequently Used cache policy, and a fixed size for the records (of 15B). This enables for very fast look-ups in O(1) time.

Let’s delve into this. This is the anatomy of a Node:


inUse extra

1B 1B

The first byte is used for some metadata, such as a flag ’inUse’.

The bytes 2-5 are the ID of the first relationship (edge) incident to the node.

The bytes 6-9 are the ID of the first property of the node.

The bytes 10-14 encode the labels of the node.

The last byte contain extra information.

Relationships and properties

There are two more kind of files to encode relationships and properties, also containing fixed size records and using a LFU cache policy. A relationship looks like this:




The property file looks like this:




In this case, the metadata field has a bit indicating whether the property belongs to a node or a relationship.

Example 4.2. Encode this graph using the seen nomenclature:



meta firstRel firstProp labels extra

n1 e1 p1 l1

n2 e1 p5 l2

n3 e3 p6 l2


meta sId dId label sNprevR sNnextR dNprevR dNnextR prop

e1 n1 n2 l3 - e2 - e2 p3

e2 n1 n2 l4 e1 - e1 e3 -

e3 n3 n2 l3 - - e2 - p8


meta n/eId prevP nextP idName idValue

p1 n n1 - p2 na1 v1

p2 n n1 p1 - na2 v2

p3 e e1 - p4 na3 v3

p4 e e1 p3 - na4 v4

p5 n n2 - - na5 v5

p6 n n3 - p7 na1 v7

p7 n n3 p6 - na2 v8

p8 e e3 - p9 na3 v6

p9 e e3 p8 - na4 v4


na1 name

na2 gender

na3 role

na4 ref

na5 title


v1 Clint Eastwood

v2 Male

v3 Bill

v4 IMDb

v5 Unforgiven

v6 Delilah

v7 Anna Levine

v8 Female


l1 Person

l2 Movie

l3 acts_in

l4 directs

4.1.2 Adjacency Lists

For each node, we store the list of its neighbors. If the graph is directed, the list contains only the outgoing nodes. This approach makes it cheaper for obtaining the neighbors of a node, but it is not suitable for checking if there is an edge between two nodes, since we would need to travers the lists for both nodes completely.

Example 4.3. An Adjacency List

This graph:


Can be encoded in an adjacency list as follows:

1 1

2 3

3 1

4.1.3 Incidence Matrix

An incidence matrix is a bidimensional graph representation, in which rows represent vertices and columns represent edges. Then, a non-null entry represents that the source vertex is incident to the edge.

Example 4.4. An Incidence Matrix

This graph:


Can be encoded in an incidence matrix as follows:


  e1 e2 e3 e4 e5

1 3 1 2 1 0

2 0 0 0 2 1

3 0 2 1 0 2

Where 0=’not incident’, 1=’source’, 2=’dest’ and 3=’source&dest’.

4.1.4 Adjacency matrix

This is also a bidimensional graph representation, in which rows represent source vertices, and columns represent destination vertices. Therefore, each non-null entry represents that there is an edge from the source node to the destination node.

Example 4.5. An Adjacency Matrix

This graph:


Can be encoded in an adjacency matrix as follows:


  1 2 3

1 1 1 1

2 0 0 1

3 1 0 0

4.2 Types of Graph Databases

Some graph databases and graph processing frameworks are based on strong assumptions that are not always explicit, but are rather a consequence of the internal implementation of graphs. We can distinguish between:

5 Distributed Graph Processing

When we have a centralized graph, the cost of the queries that we launch on it depends on the number of edges/nodes visited during processing. Therefore, this cost is affected by the graph size and its topology, and the processing algorithm used. But sometimes the graph is large and the algorithm expensive. For instance, navigational pattern matching, in the best case, is still of cubic computational complexity.

Also, graph computations are difficult to scale and parallelize, because:

Sequential graph algorithms, which require random access to all the data, present poor locality and together with the indivisibility of the graph structure cause time and resource intensive pointer chasing between storage mediums in order to access each datum. In response to these shortcomings, new distributed frameworks based on the vertex-centric programming model were developed. This approach is:

As opposed to having a global perspective of the data (assuming all data is randomly accessible in memory), vertex-centric frameworks employ a local, vertex oriented perspective of computation, introducing the paradigm Think Like A Vertex (TLAV).

5.1 Distributed Graph Storage

Several open-source solutions like HDFS, HBase, or Apache Titan can be used for storage. Proprietary solutions like Amazon Neptune also exist. Each approach has its own trade-offs: open-source solutions offer flexibility but may demand additional maintenance and expertise, while proprietary solutions provide comprehensive support but may pose usage limitations and costs.

For distributed processing frameworks to function effectively, graph data needs to be exposed as two views: a set of vertices and a set of edges. Traditional distributed data management considerations, like partitioning and replicas, apply to these views.

5.2 TLAV Frameworks

TLAV frameworks operate on a message passing interface and support iterative execution of a user-defined vertex program. Vertices pass messages to adjacent vertices, and this iterative process continues until a termination condition is met.

They might either follow the Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) computing model, in which computation is based on superstep, where a superstep must finish entirely before the next superstep starts, defining a synchronization barrier per superstep; or an asynchronous computing model, which is prone to suffer from deadlocks and data races, but may improve the performance under certain assumptions/conditions.

Examples of TLAV frameworks include Pregel, Apache Giraph, and GraphX, each offering its own strengths and weaknesses. It’s also important to note the role of fault-tolerance in distributed graph processing. Ensuring system resilience to node failures is a critical aspect that helps maintain operation continuity.

Example 5.1. Calculating max using TLAV.

In the first superstep: all vertices send its value to its adjacent vertices.

On each superstep: each vertex compares the value that it has received (if any) to the current value that it has. If it is greater, then it updates. In case of update, it sends again this new value to adjacent nodes.

Stop condition: no vertex changes in a superstep.

The process could be as the following:


Here, when a node is red, is because it updated, and the red arrows indicate messages. The process finishes when no node changes.

5.2.1 Synchronized TLAV

As we have explained, TLAV framework supports iterative execution of a user defined vertex program over vertices of the graph. Programs are thus composed of several interdependent components that drive program execution, the vertex kernels. A synchronization barrier is set between interdependent components, defining the supersteps.

Therefore, a superstep is composed of different kernels, and it ends when all kernels finish, and all messages are sent. Then, there is a synchronization barrier, which is used to synchronize the obtained results, so that the next superstep can begin.


Example 5.2. Single-Source Shortest-Path

The following code computes the shortest path in a graph using the TLAV framework:

2  a graph G=(V,E) 
3  a starting vertex U 
5foreach v in V: 
6  shortest_path_L[v] = inf 
11  for v in V do in parallel: 
12    minIncoming = min(receive(path_length)); 
14    if minIncoming < shortest_path_L[v]: 
15      shortest_path_L[v] = minIncoming 
17      foreach e in E: 
18        path_length = shortest_path_L[v] + length[e] 
20        j = destination(e) 
21        send(path_length,j) 
22      end 
23    end 
24    halt() # if no message sent, then halt 
25  end 
26until no more messages are sent;

The execution could be as follows:


The colors indicate the same as in the previous example. The green node is the source node for the algorithm and the numbers indicate the weights of the edges.

5.2.2 TLAV: Graph Distribution

We have seen that TLAV graph processing requires the graph data to be exposed in the form of two views: the set of vertices and the set of edges. Let’s see how TLAV can be achieved in a distributed environment. Let’s begin with an example:

Example 5.3. Consider the following distributed graph:


This graph can be represented as follows:


Here, we have depicted the two views, partitioned. Each partition is depicted by a yellow rectangle. And the instances are stored in the partitions. Note that the vertices do not store the nodes, I have draw them like that to facilitate readability.

Now, we want to set up a simple TLAV environment. We are going to send messages {am,bm,cm,fm }. Each message is sent to the node it is named after. For example, am goes to node a. The nodes will send the message to all nodes to which they are connected, and these will generate a message named after them. For example, if b receive a message, it will send bm. The first superstep of this process is:


Note how messages can be merged in two ways: intrapartition and interpartition. The messages in the white box would be sent to the vertices for the next superstep.

It is very important to realize that states can only be shared through messages, since there is no shared memory.

About the vertex kernel, keep in mind the after its execution, the vertices send messages to adjacent vertices, and these messages could be as complex as needed, and they can even modify the graph. The kernel must also include a halt condition, so that a node knows when to stop sending messages, and convergence can be achieved.


Pregel is a very famous TLAV framework. Its model of computation is as follows:


GraphX is a subproject of Apache Spark, built as a Spark module and following Pregel’s principles, but it only allows to send messahes to adjacent vertices.

It uses Spark GraphFrames to provide Pregel’s required views (vertices, edges and triplets) and provides a library with typical distributed algorithms, such as pageRank, connected componentes, triangle count,...

5.2.3 Deepening into TLAV


Scheduling refers to how user-defined vertex programmes are scheduled for execution. They can be Synchronous, Asynchronous, Both or Hybrid.

Synchronous scheduling is based on the Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) processing model. Active vertices are executed conceptually in parallel over one or more iterations, called supersteps and synchronization is achieved through a global synchronization barrier situated between each superstep that block vertices from computing the next superstep until all workers complete the current one. Each worker has to coordinate with the master to progress to the next superstep.

Synchronization is achieved because the barrier ensures that each vertex within a superstep has access to only the data from the previous superstep. Note that inside a superstep, vertices can be scheduled in a fixed or random order, because the execution order does not affect the state of the program (it should not, at least).

Pros os synchronous scheduling:


Asynchronous scheduling is different. There is no explicit synchronization points, so any active vertex is eligible for computation whenever processor and network resources are available. The vertex execution order can be dynamically generated and reorganized by the scheduler, and the straggler problem is eliminated. As a result, many asynchronous models outperform corresponding synchronous models, but at the expense of added complexity.



In general, synchronous execution generally accommodates IO bound algorithms, while asynchronous execution well-serves CPU bound algorithms by adapting to large and variable workloads.

Message Passing

Information is sent from one vertex program kernel to another via messages, which contain local vertex data and is addressed to the ID of the recipient vertex. A message can be addressed anywhere, but since vertices do not have ID information of all the other vertices, destination vertex IDs are typically obtained by iterating over outgoing edges.

After computation is complete and a destination ID for each message is determined, the vertex dispatches messages to the local worker process, which determines whether the recipient resides on the local machine or a remote one.

There three main strategies to optimize message passing:

  1. Sender-side combiner: messages from several nodes are merged in the sender worker, which sends them to the destination worker.

  2. Receiver-side combiner: in this case, the sender worker sends all the messages produced by all nodes to the destination worker, which makes the merging.

  3. Receiver-side scatter: the sender worker send a message, which is received by the destination worker, sending it to several nodes.

Shared Memory

Shared memory exposes vertex data as shared variables that can be directly read or modigied by other vertex programs, avoiding the additional memory overhead constituted by messages. This is typical of centralized graph processing, but there are also some distributed systems that apply it.

The main problem is that for shared-memory TLAV frameworks, race conditions may arise when an adjacent vertex resides on a remote mahcine. Shared-memory TLAV frameworks often ensure memory consistency through mutual exclusion by requiring serializable schedules. Serializability means that every parallel execution has a corresponding sequential execution that maintains consistency.

The most prominent solutions up to today are:

The reduced overhead of shared memory compared to message passing may lead to 35% faster converges when computing PageRank on a large web graph.


Large-scake graphs must be divided into parts to be placed in distributed storage/memory. Good partitions often lead to improved performance, but expensive strategies to partition can end up dominating processing time, leading many implementations to incorporate simple strategies, such as random placement.

Effective partitioning evenly distributes the vertices for balanced workload while minimizing imterpartition edges to avoid costly network traffic. This is formally known as a k-way graph partitioning, which is a NP-complete problem, with no fixed-factor approximation.

The leading work in graph partitioning can be broadly characterized as rigorous but impractical mathematical strategies or pragmatic heuristics used in practices, but this is currently an open problem.

Part II
Knowledge Graphs

6 Introduction to Knowledge Graphs

In a knowledge graph, every node is represented with a unique identifies and can be universally reffered, i.e., they can be referred potentially from any other database in the world.

Metadata is represented as nodes and edges in the graph.


Figure 1: Example knowledge graph from [1].

Knowledge graphs facilitate linking data, because linking via their metadata is much more powerful than by the characteristics of the instances, and it is a unique feature of their own. In Figure 2, we can see several relationships between metadata nodes:



Figure 2: Examples of data linkage from [1].

Example 6.1. Assume Knowledge Graph as the canonical data model. First, model as graphs each source (separately):

  1. Model schema and some instances for each source:

    Source 1





    Source 2


    Product Features

    Source 3




  2. Then, relate the metadata from each graph with new edges generating a unique connected graph. For this:

    1. Look for similar or identical concepts.

    2. Think of interesting relationships you could exploit later.

Assume you can use the following pre-defined edges: equivalentClass, type and subClassOf, which embed the semantics already discussed.

A possible solution is the following:


Note that to model the ternary relationship between (User, Product, Time) we needed to add an artificial node. This is called reification. is a global initiative to mark up data. It provides a vocabulary of terms and their relationships. Google and others ahve built their semantic-aware searchers based on and built huge knowledge graphs based on it.

7 Resource Description Format (RDF)

RDF is a simple language for describing annotations (facts) about resources. It is the most basic ontology language. The triples that it uses as basic construct map to first order logic as grounded atomic formulas, and blank nodes map to existential variables.

The basic RDF block is the RDF statement which is a triple representing a binary relationship between two resources or between a resource and a literal. The syntax is:

<subject predicate object>


As can be inferred from this, resources are identified by URIs, which are global identifiers. A URI is composed of a URL and a URN:

Many times, we omit the URL for simplicity, and refer to the URI as :URN.

A blank node is a resource without a URL (i.e., _).

Literals are atomic values such as strings, dates or numbers.

We can thus define a RDF graph (or semantic graph) as a set of these RDS statements.

To query RDF graph, SPARQL is the de facto language (also for it variants and extensiosn). It is inspired by SQL but oriented to express graph operations.

Example 7.1. A RDF graph example.

The graph:


Can be represented as an RDF like this:

1(:Dupond :Leads :CSDept) 
2(:Dupond :TeachedIn :UE111) 
3(:Dupond :TeachesTo :Pierre) 
4(:Pierre :EnrolledIn :CSDept) 
5(:Pierre :RegisteredTo :UE111) 
6(:UE111 :OfferedBy :CSDept)

Usually, RDF is serialized using the XML format.

The rdf URL is a namespace for RDF.

Other RDF syntaxes are turtle (which is human-readbale), N-triples or Notation 3.

7.1 RDF Modeling

RDF modeling is based on binary relationships, but n-ary relationships may be needed, so blank nodes were presented as a solution for this. A blank node is a node without a URI, which cannot be referenced and can only be subjects or objects. Its semantics are not completely clear yet, but their de facto use is as an identifier without a URI. The W3C position is this regard is to use blank nodes for incomplete data: unknown values or anonymized values. The de facto use is pragmatic, but good practices discourage their use: all resources should have a proper URI.

Example 7.2. Quoting

The following use of a blank node:


Can be expressed as:

:oscar :takes [:course :SDM]

This is quoting, which is general is [property object], and the subject is the blank node.

Notice that we cannot express neither schema nor additional constraints, such as ’at least one’ or ’at most three’.

7.2 RDF-star

RDF-star in as RDF extension, more comapct and with a predice syntax for reification.

Example 7.3. The following is RDF-star:

1@prefix: <> 
3:employee38 :familyName "Smith" 
4:employee22 :claims << :employee38 :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" >>

Here, we have what is called an embedded triple, and it models the 3-way relationship between (:emp22, :emp38, “Assistant Designer”).

SPARQL-star is an extension of SPARQL to query RDF-star graphs.

8 RDF Schema (RDFS)

RDFS extends RDF to not only consider data instances, but also schema. In this case, we can define classes and relationships between them, using the same principles as for instances. It defines rdfs:, a namespace for RDFS, in which a set of resources needed to express contraints is defined.

RDFS allows to specify the following constraints:

8.1 RDFS statements at the schema level

8.2 RDFS Core Classes

These core classes add another level of abstraction above the metadata layer.


Figure 3: Three layers of abtraction of RDFS from [1]. The red arrows are rdf:type relationships.

8.3 RDFS Inference

In RDFS we can infer new instances (knowledge) from the statements created by the users. It is based on rule-based reasoning and there are two kinds of inference:

8.4 RDFS Core Properties

Example 8.1. An RDFS graph.

Consider the graph that we have used many times already:


Create a correct RDFS graph capturing as much constraints as possible from it. What triples may you infer from the asserted RDFS graph?

The RDFS graph can be the following:


And the instantiation of the data:



:clintEastwood :hasRole :bill

:clintEastwood rdf:type Actor

:bill rdf:type :role

:clintEastwood rdf:type Person

:bill :inMovie :Unforgiven

:bill rdf:type :role

:Unforgiven rdf:type :Movie

:Ungorgiven :title ’Unforgiven’

:Unforgiven rdf:type :Movie

:clintEastwood :name ’Clint Eastwood’

:clintEastwood rdf:type :Person

:clintEastwood :gender :male

:clintEastwood rdf:type :Person

:male rdf:type :genderClass

:bill :roleName ’Bill’

:bill rdf:type :role

:bill :red ’IMDB’

:bill rdf:type :role

:annaLevine :hasRole :delilah

:annaLevine rdf:type :Actor

:delilah rdf:type :role

:annaLevine rdf:type :Person

:delilah :inMovie :Unforgiven

:delilah rdf:type :role

:Unforgiven rdf:type :Movie

:annaLevine :name ’Anna Levine’

:annaLevine rdf:type :Person

:annaLevine :gender :female

:annaLevine rdf:type :Person

:female rdf:type :genderClass

:delilah :roleName ’Delilah’

:delilah rdf:type :role

:delilah :ref ’IMDB’

:delilah rdf:type :role

:clintEastwood :directs :Unforgiven

:clintEastwood rdf:type :Director

:Unforgiven rdf:type :Movie

:clintEastwood rdf:type Person


SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language (SPARQL) is the standard query language for RDF(S) graphs, being also a W3C recommendation and supporting RDFS and OWL under specific entailments.

SPARQL is based on navigational pattern matching, and simple RDF graphs are used as query patterns. The semantics applied are homomorphism semantics.

Example 8.2. A simple query:

1SELECT x, z 
3  x Lectures y, 
4  y TaughtIn z, 
5  z rdf:type Faculty

SPARQL has 4 basic forms that retrive either result sets or RDF graphs:

A SPARQL Endpoint is an endpoint accepting SPARQL queries and returning the results via HTTP.

Example 8.3. A more complete example:

1PREFIX fib: <> 
2SELECT ?lecturer ?course 
4  { 
5    ?lecturer fib:lectures ?course 
6  }

This query is equivalent to: SELECT x,y WHERE x LECTURES y.

SPARQL allows property paths based on regular expressions.

Example 8.4. Take into account the following graph:


And write the following queries, assuming no entailment regime:

  1. Get the name of all actors that participated in Juno:

    1PREFIX mov: <url> 
    2SELECT ?name 
    4  { 
    5    mov:juno mov:stars ?actor. 
    6    ?actor mov:name ?name 
    7  }

  2. Get the name of all directors:

    1PREFIX mov <url> 
    2SELECT ?name 
    4  { 
    5    ?dir rdf:type :Director. 
    6    ?dir mov:name ?name 
    7  } 
    9SELECT ?name 
    11  { 
    12    ?dir mov:directs ?mov. 
    13    ?dir mov:name ?name 
    14  }

  3. Get the name of all persons:

    1PREFIX mov: <url> 
    2SELECT ?name 
    4  { 
    5    ?person mov:name ?name 
    6  }

  4. Get the title of all movies:

    1PREFIX mov: <url> 
    2SELECT ?title 
    4  { 
    5    ?movie mov:title ?title. 
    6    ?movie rdf:type ?movie 
    7  }

8.5.1 Entailment Regimes

The most basic entailment regime supported by SPARQL is simple entailment, in which graph patterns are evaluated by means of pattern matching under homomorphism semantics.

Nonetheless, more elaborate entailment relations have been developed, to retrieve solutions that are logical consequences of the axioms asserted. The most popular ones are RDFS entailment and OWL 2 RDF-Based Semantics entailment.

8.6 RDFS Inference Rules

The RDFS entailment rules are presented in the following table:

If S contains

Then S RDFS entails recognizing D:


any IRI a in D

a rdf:type rdfs:Datatype


a rdfs:domain x.

y a z.

y rdf:type x


a rdfs:range x.

y a z

z rdf:type x


x a y

x rdf:type rdfs:Resource


x a y

y rdf:type rdfs:Resource


x rdfs:subPropertyOf y.

y rdfs:subPropertyOf z

x rdfs:subPropertyOf z


x rdf:type rdf:Property

x rdfs:subPropertyOf x


a rdfs:subPropertyOf b.

x a y

x b y


x rdf:type rdfs:Class

x rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource


x rdfs:subClassOf y.

z rdf:type x

z rdf:type y


x rdf:type rdfs:Class

x rdfs:subClassOf x


x rdfs:subClassOf y.

y rdfs:subClassOf z

x rdfs:subClassOf z


x rdf:type rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty

x rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:Member


x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype

x rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal

8.6.1 The RDFS Paradox

The Russel’s Paradox is a theoretical paradox that arises within a naïve set theory, by considering the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. This paradox arises in RDFS. This means that the RDFS regime entailment is flawed, and the reason is that the RDFS core classes and properties are ill-defined. The problems are:

The SPARQL community rethought the RDFS metamodel to introduce fix-point reasoning, disallowing for infinite inference loops, and having elements organized in a strict order, i.e., an element cannot be an element and a set at the same time, and no element can be placed twice in a taxonomy at different levels. This gave birth to the modified RDFS Entailment Regime:

If S contains

Then S RDFS entails recognizing D:


any IRI a in D

a rdf:type rdfs:Datatype


a rdfs:domain x.

y a z.

y rdf:type x


a rdfs:range x.

y a z

z rdf:type x


x a y

x rdf:type rdfs:Resource


x a y

y rdf:type rdfs:Resource


x rdfs:subPropertyOf y.

y rdfs:subPropertyOf z

x rdfs:subPropertyOf z


x rdf:type rdf:Property

x rdfs:subPropertyOf x


a rdfs:subPropertyOf b.

x a y

x b y


x rdf:type rdfs:Class

x rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource


x rdfs:subClassOf y.

z rdf:type x

z rdf:type y


x rdf:type rdfs:Class

x rdfs:subClassOf x


x rdfs:subClassOf y.

y rdfs:subClassOf z

x rdfs:subClassOf z


x rdf:type rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty

x rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:Member


x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype

x rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal

9 Ontology Languages: Description Logics

Definition 9.1. A ontology is a formal description of a domain in terms of the concepts and roles or properties between them. More precisely, it is a controlled vocabulary or schema, usually called the TBOX, with aligned instances, or ABOX.

The TBOX and ABOX assertions are described with formal semantics and, based on its formal semantics, it defines inference rules, based on some kind of reasoning.

Note that RDF graphs are not ontologies and that RDFS are ontologies only if we take care of making them to be, by following the good practices. OWL graphs (we will see them later) are forced to be ontologies.

9.1 Logic Based Ontology Languages

First Order Logic (FOL) is suitable for knowledge representation, since classes can be represented as unary predicates, properties/relationship as binary predicates and constraints as logical formulas using the predicates.

Nonetheless, we must take into consideration of undecidability problem: there is no algorithm that determines if a FOL formula implies another. Therefore, we have to work with decidable fragments of FOL:

The characteristics of these are summarized in the following table:

Datalog Description Logics

Focus Instances Knowledge

Approach Centralized Decentralized

Reasoning Closed-World Assumption Open-World Assumption

Unique name Unique name assumption Non-unique name assumption

The open-world assumption implies that everything can be true, unless the opposite is explicitly indicated.

9.2 TBOX

A TBOX is characterized by a set of constructs for building complex concepts and roles from atomic ones.

Then, the TBOX defines the terminology of the domain, with formal semantics given in terms of interpretations:

Definition 9.2. An interpretation I = ( I  I)
 Δ ,⋅ consists of a nonempty set ΔI, the domain of I, and an interpretation function I, which maps:

  • Each individual, i.e., each element in the real world that we want to represent, a to an element aIΔI.

  • Each atomic concept A to a subset AIΔI.

  • Each atomic role P to a subset PIΔI× ΔI.

With these basic pieces, we can construct more complex concepts:

Construct Syntax Semantics Example

atomic concept A AIΔI Doctor

atomic role P PIΔI× ΔI hasChild

atomic negation ¬A ΔI\ AI ¬Doctor

conjunction C D CIDI HumanMale

unqualified existence restriction R {              I}
  a|∃b : (a,b) ∈ R hasChild

value restriction R.C {             I          I}
  a|∀b,(a,b) ∈ R  =⇒  b ∈ C hasChild.Male


In this table, C and D denote arbitrary concepts, i.e., a combination of atomic concepts through appropriate constructs, and R an arbitrary role, i.e., a combination of atomic roles through appropriate constructs.

The combination of these constructrs form the basic language AL of the family of AL languages. However, this can be extended, adding new constructs:

Construct AL Syntax Semantics Example

disjunction U C D CIDI (Human  ⊓ Doctor)        (Human  ⊓ (¬P atient))

top ΔI

qualified existence restriction E R.C {             I      I}
 a|∃b : (a,b) ∈ R ∧ b ∈ C Treats.Doctor

full negation C ¬C ΔI\ CI ¬ (∃Treats.Doctor)

number restrictions
(≥ k R ) {    {          I}    }
 a|#  b : (a,b) ∈ R ≥ k 5 Treats

(≤ k R ) {    {           }    }
 a|#  b : (a,b) ∈ RI ≤ k 5 Treats

qualified number restriction
(≥ k R.C ) {    {                   }    }
 a|#  b : (a,b) ∈ RI ∧b ∈ CI ≥ k 5 Treats.     (Doctor⊓ M ale)

(≤ k R.C ) {    {          I       I}    }
 a|#  b : (a,b) ∈ R ∧b ∈ C ≤ k 5 Treats.    (Doctor⊓ Female)

inverse role I R- {              I}
 (b,a)|(a,b) ∈ R Treats-

role closure reg R* ( I)
 R*    (Treats)*

Example 9.1. What is the meaning of these axioms:

A Description Logics TBOX only includes terminological axioms of the following form:

  1. Inclusion:

    1. C1 C2 is satisfied by I if C1IC2I.

    2. R1 R2 is satisfied by I if R1IR2I.

  2. Equivalence:

    1. C1 C2,C2 C1.

Example 9.2. A TBOX example

The following axioms define a TBOX:

Woman Person Female
Man Person ⊓¬Woman
Mother Woman ⊓∃hasChild.Person
Father Man ⊓∃hasChild.Person
Parent Father Mother
Grandmother Mother ⊓∃hasChild.Parent
MotherWithManyChildren Mother⊓≥ 3 hasChild
MotherWithoutDaughter Mother ⊓∀hasChild.¬Woman
Wife Woman ⊓∃hasHusband.Man

9.3 ABOX

The ABOX defines the instances in terms of the terminological axioms defined in the TBOX, by using concept (Student(Pere)) and role (Teaches(Oscar,P ere)) assertions.

Example 9.3. A knowledge base (TBOX+ABOX)

The TBOX assertions are the following:

The ABOX membership assertions are:

T eacher(mary )


HappyAnc  (john )

Example 9.4. The following UML diagram


can be represented as the TBOX:

hasFather Person
hasFather- Person
Person hasFather

9.4 Models of a Description Logics Ontology

Definition 9.3. A model of a knowledge base O = ⟨T,A ⟩ is an interpretation I that satisfies all assertions in T and all assertions in A.

If there is a model for O, then it is satisfiable.

O logically implies an assertion α, written O|=α if α is satisfied by all models of O.

Satisfiability looks for contrasictions in the asserted axioms. Without negations, everything is satisfiable, and TBOX axioms are just used to infer knowledge for the asserted elements. This is the case of RDFS, and in case of an error, the knowledge base will simply infer wrong knowledge, but no error nor alert will be rased.

Including negation, we can identify mistakes in the ABOX, since such interpretations will not be a model for that ontology.

Example 9.5. Is the following interpretation a model? Can you think of an interpretation that is a model?

The TBOX is:

Teaches Teacher
Teaches- Course
Teacher ¬Course

And the ABOX is:

Teaches(x,x ).

It is not a model, because

            ∃Teaches⊑T eacher          Teacher⊑¬Course
Teaches(x,x)      |=       Teacher(x)      |=       ¬Course (x)


           ∃Teaches- ⊑Course
T eaches(x)      |=       Course (x),

and both expressions cannot evaluate to true at the same time.

To make a model, we can change the ABOX to be


in which case all assertions from the TBOX and the ABOX can be satisfied.

Example 9.6. Description Logics Reasoning

Consider the following TBOX and make all possible inferences:

Researcher ¬Professor
Researcher ¬Lecturer
TeachesTo- Student
Student ⊓¬Undergrad GraduateStudent
TeachesTo.Undergrad Professor Lecturer

The TBOX inferences are:

Researcher TeachesTo.GraduateStudent

Do the same with this ABOX:


The ontology inferences are:


9.4.1 TBOX Reasoning

9.4.2 Reasoning complexity

In the next table, the complexity for concept satisfiability for each of the logic families we have seen is shown:

Family Complexity


ALU,ALUN NP-complete

ALE coNP-complete


It can be observed that there are two sources of complexity:

When they are combined, the complexity jumps to PSPACE.

Note that number restrictions (N ) do not add complexity.

9.4.3 Ontology Reasoning

The problem of ontology satisfiability consists of verifying whether an ontology is satisfiable or not, i.e., whether the ontology O admits at least one model.

The problem of concept instance checking consists of verifying whether an individual c is an instance of a concept C in O, i.e., whether O|=C(c) or not.

The problem of role instance checking consists of verifying whther a pair (c1,c2) of individuals is an instance of a role R in O, i.e., whether O|=R(c1,c2) or not.

The problem of query answering consists of finding the certain answers:

Definition 9.4. The certain answers to query q(x) over O = ⟨T,A⟩, denoted cert(q,O ) are the tuples c of constants of A such that c qI, for every model I of O.

We need to bear in mind the open-world assumption: something evaluates to false only if it contradicts other information in the ontology.

Example 9.7. Open-world assumption illustrative example.

Consider the following ABOX:

hasSon(Iokaste,P olyneikes)
hasSon(Polyneikes,T hersandros)
¬patricide(T hersandros)

This is visually shown as:


Consider the query:

Query ≡ ∃hasSon.(patricide ⊓∃hasSon.¬patricide)


ABOX   |= Query (Iokaste)?


Since there is no information of whether patricide(P olyneikes) is true or not, we need to evaluate all possibilities.

If patricide(P olyneikes) is true, then hasSon(Iokaste,P olyneikes)patricide(P olyneikes)hasSon(P olyneikes,Thersandros)∧¬patricide                     (Thersandros).

If patricide(P olyneikes) is false, then hasSon(Iokaste,Oedipus)patricide(Oedipus)hasSon(Oedipus,Polyneikes)∧¬patricide             (Thersandros).

9.4.4 Modeling with Description Logics

It is hard to build good ontologies using description logics, because the names of the classes are irrelevant, classes are overlapping by default and the domain and range definitions are axioms, not constraints. In addition, we need to cope with the open world assumption and the non-unique name assumption, i.e., the same concept might be instantiated with two different names or IDs in the knowledge base5 .

10 Ontology Web Language (OWL)

OWL is a W3C recommendation, based on OIL and DAML, and using RDF and XML as the underlying representation. There were three languages in OWL 1.0: Lite, DL and Full; later, OWL 2.0 eliminated OWL Lite and added three profiles, RL, QL and EL.

10.1 OWL Axioms

OWL axiom DL syntax Example

subClassOf C1 C2 HumanAnimalBiped

equivalentClass C1 C2 ManHumanMale

disjointWith C1 ⊑¬C2 Man⊑¬Female

sameIndividualAs {a }
 1{a }
  2 {presBush}{G.W.Bush }

differentFrom {a1}⊑¬{a2} {john}⊑¬{peter}

subPropertyOf P1 P2 hasDaughterhasChild

equivalentProperty P1 P2 hasCosthasPrice

inverseOf P1 P2- hasChildhasParent-

transitiveProperty P+ P ancestor+ ancestor

functionalProperty T (≤ 1P ) Person (≤ 1 hasFather)

inverseFunctionalProperty T (≤ 1P- ) Citizen (≤  1 hasSSN - )

10.2 OWL Constructs

OWL construct DL syntax Example

intersectionOf C1 ... Cn HumanMale

unionOf C1 ... Cn DoctorLawyer

complementOf ¬C ¬Male

oneOf {a1}... {an} {john }{mary }

allValuesFrom P.C hasChild.Doctor

someValuesFrom P.C hasChild.Lawyer

maxCardinality (≤ nP ) (≤ 1 hasChild)

minCardinality (≥ nP ) (≥ 2 hasChild)

Constructs such as owl:someValuesFrom, owl:allValuesFrom, owl:minCardinality, owl:maxCardinality are expressed using blank nodes, together with owl:Restriction by means of reification.

Example 10.1. Defining :Department ⊑∀:Leads.:Professor

1_:a rdfs:subClassOf owl:Restriction 
2_:a owl:onProperty :Leads 
3_:a owl:allValuesFrom :Professor 
4:Department rdfs:subClassOf _:a


Example 10.2. Defining :student ⊑≥ 3:RegisteredTo and :student ⊑≤ 6:RegisteredTo

1_:a rdfs:subClassOf owl:Restriction 
2_:a owl:onProperty :RegisteredTo 
3_:a owl:minCardinality 3 
4_:b rdfs:subClassOf owl:Restriction 
5_:b owl:onProperty :RegisteredTo 
6_:b owl:maxCardinality 6 
7:Student rdfs:subClassOf _:a 
8:Student rdfs:subClassOf _:b

Example 10.3. Defining C1 ⊑∃P.C

1_:a rdfs:subClassOf owl:Restriction 
2_:a owl:onProperty :P 
3_:a owl:someValuesFrom C 
4C1 rdfs:subClassOf _:a

Example 10.4. Defining : TeachesTo. : Undergrad : Professor: Lecturer

1_:a rdfs:subClassOf owl:Restriction 
2_:a owl:onProperty :TeachesTo 
3_:a owl:someValuesFrom :Undergrad 
4_:b owl:unionOf (:Professor,:Lecturer) 
5_:a rdfs:subClassOf _:b

10.3 OWL Implementation

OWL uses RDF syntax, i.e., URIs and literals that conform valid triplets. It reuses some URIs from RDFS, but the whole RDFS is not embedded in OWL. In addition, it adds new properties and classes based on description logics and defined at the OWL namespace.

10.4 OWL 2.0 Profiles

11 Graph-Based Virtual Data Integration

Data Integration is an area of study within data management aiming at facilitating transparent acces to a variety of heterogeneous data sources.

There are two main ways to perform data integration:

Virtual Data Integration is suitable when data sources are not under our control, and the owners require a federation, when we do not want to move the data from where it resides, when data freshness is crucial (ETLs run from time to time and the period between updates is called the update window), and when we want to systematically trace all the data available within a company or organization (data provenance).

There is consensus that graph-based solutions are the way to go for data integration and governance, because graph-based data models are richer than any other data model and can express any construct, with knowledge graphs preferred over property graphs because they facilitate linking TBOX/ABOX with little effort. In addition, they allow to represent all data integration constructs with the same formalism: target schema + source schema + mappings.

There are two main approaches to achieve data integration:

11.1 Local-As-View (LAV) Integration - Ontology-Mediated Queries (OMQ)

OMQ us a family of systems performing graph-based data integration with LAV (and conceptually GAV is also possible). It is based on the well-known wrapper-mediator architecture.

To make the querying rewriting feasible, they adopt several measures:

11.1.1 Big Data Integration Ontology

The BDIO revisits the Data Integration framework and construcs an ontology as follows:

A wrapper represents a view on the source, and we can think of it as a named query over the source (a view).

Some typical assumptions made by wrappers are:

Example 11.1. A LAV Integration

First, we define the global level, G:


Now, we need to expose the sources by means of wrappers. For this, we automatically bootstrap the attributes projected by the wrappers.

For instance, let’s say our data comes from three sources, Q1, Q2 and Q3:

1Q1: ID and compute the lag ratio 
2  db.getCollection(’vod’).aggregate([ 
3    {$project: {"VoDMonitorId": true, 
4          "lagRatio": {$divide: ["$waitTime", "$watchTime"]} 
5          } 
6    } 
7  )] 
9Q2: All attributes for tweets in English. 
11Q3: association target app -> monitor, feedback gathering tool

We end up with the following:


Finally, we need to define the LAV mappings for the wrappers. A LAV mapping for a wrapper Q is defined as M = ⟨G,S ⟩ where G is a named graph and S is a set of triples of the form:

<x, owl:sameAs, y>

where <x, rdf:type, S:Attribute> and <y, rdf:type, G:Feature>.

In our example, we can define the LAV mapping for the wrappers for source Q1:

1-- First we define G, the named graph 
2Q1 S:provides { 
3        sup:InfoMonitor G:hasFeature sup:lagRatio . 
4        sup:VoDMonitor sup:generatesQoS sup:InfoMonitor . 
5        sup:VoDMonitor G:hasFeature sup:idMonitor 
6      } 
8-- Now we define S, the "same as" triples 
9q1:lagRatio owl:sameAs sup:lagRatio 
10q1:VoDMonitorId owl:sameAs sup:idMonitor

For source Q2:

1Q2 S:provides { 
2        sup:FeedbackGatheringTool sup:generatesOpinion duv:UserFeedback . 
3        sup:FeedbackGatheringTool G:hasFeature sup:idFGTool . 
4        duv:UserFeedback G:hasFeature dct:description 
5      } 
7q2:feedbackGatheringId owl:sameAs sup:idFGTool 
8q2:tweet owl:sameAs dct:description

And for source Q3:

1Q3 S:provides { 
2        sc:SoftwareApplication sup:hasMonitor sup:VoDMonitor . 
3        sc:SoftwareApplication sup:hasFGTool sup:FeedbackGatheringTool . 
4        sc:SoftwareApplication G:hasFeature sup:idSoftApp . 
5        sup:VoDMonitor G:hasFeature sup:idMonitor . 
6        sup:FeedbackGatheringTool G:hasFeature sup:idFGTool 
7      } 
9q3:MonitorId owl:sameAs sup:idMonitor 
10q3:TargetApp owl:sameAs sup:idSoftApp 
11q3:FeedbackId owl:sameAs sup:idFGTool

And we end up with the following integrated view of the data:


11.2 Query Answering - Rewriting Algorithm

Any SPARQL query on the global graph must be rewritten as a query in terms of the wrappers, which provide the way to access the actual data.

For example, assume the following SPARQL query:

2  ?t rdf:type sup:lagRatio . 
3  ?x G:hasFeature ?t . 
4  ?x rdf:type sup:InfoMonitor . 
5  ?y sup:generatedQoS ?x . 
6  ?y rdf:type sup:VoDMonitor . 
7  ?z sup:hasMonitor ?y . 
8  ?z rdf:type sc:SoftwareApp . 
9  ?z G:hasFeature ?w . 
10  ?w rdf:type sup:idSoftwareApp . 

We start from terminal features. In this case, sup:lagRatio which maps to q1:lagRatio:

Πt(ρq1:lagRatio→t(Q1 )),

then, we go up the ontology, reaching sup:InfoMonitor. The query does not change at this point because this is schema information covered by Q1. We continue going up, until sup:VoDMonitor, and the query still remains the same. Now, we reach sc:SoftwareApplication, which is not covered by Q1, but by Q3. Therefore, we need to join them somehow. Q1 and Q3 share sup:idMonitor, so we join them using this attribute:

Πt (ρq1:lagRatio→t (σq1:VoDMonitorId=q3:MonitorId(Q1 × Q3))),

we continue reading the query, reaching sup:idSoftwareApp, which is another feature that needs to be added to the query:

Πw,t(ρq1:lagRatio→tρq3:targetApp→w (σq1:VoDMonitorId=q3:MonitorId(Q1 × Q3))),

finally, we have to apply the filter

σ              (Π   (ρ          ρ            (σ                       (Q1 × Q3)))).
 w=”SUPERSEDE ”  w,t  q1:lagRatio→t q3:targetApp→w   q1:VoDMonitorId=q3:MonitorId

11.2.1 Computational Complexity

This query rewriting algorithm is linear in the size of the subgraph of G to navigate, linear in the size of the wrappers mappings and exponential in the number of wrappers that may join. The good thing is that evidence shows that typically BigData sources have few join points and therefore the exponential complexity is affordable in real cases.


[1]   Óscar Romero and Anna Queralt. Semantic data management. Lecture Notes.