About me

Hola! I am Jose Antonio Lorencio Abril, @Lorenc1o in GitHub.

I am trying to be a Data Scientist, but I am still learning. Currently, I am studying the EMJMD in Big Data Management and Analytics, an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in the fields of Data Science and Big Data. The Master’s is structured as follows:

Previous Education

I have studied a double Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at the Universidad de Murcia, in Spain. I am not sure if the same concept exists in other countries, but in Spain, a double Bachelor’s Degree is a single degree that combines two different Bachelor’s Degrees, with a higher workload than a single Bachelor’s Degree and an additional year of studies. In my case, I studied 5 years instead of 4, and I obtained two Bachelor’s Degrees, one in Mathematics and one in Computer Science.

Also, I have almost finished a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), in Spain. I have less than a year left to finish it, but it is more a hobby than a serious degree. I am interested in Economics, but I am more focused on Data Science and Big Data at the moment.

Work Experience

Research Assistant at the Universidad de Murcia

I received a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education to work as a Research Assistant at the Universidad de Murcia from October of 2021 to June of 2022. During this time, I studied the problem of modelling the elastic behavior of breast tissue in the context of breast cancer surgery. I developed a C++ module, using the deal.II library, to solve the problem numerically. I also developed a MATLAB module to convert stl files into vtk files, which are the input files for the C++ module.

The results of this work have been published in my Computer Science Bachelor’s Thesis, which you can find here.

Data Scientist Intern at Orenes Grupo

I worked as a Data Scientist Intern at Orenes Grupo from July of 2022 to September of 2022. During this time, I developed a Machine Learning workflow to predict the usage of slot machines in the different casinos of the company. The workflow involved all the steps of a MLOps pipeline, from data collection to model deployment. I used Python, SQL, AWS, and Airflow to develop the workflow. I also developed a dashboard to visualize the results of the workflow, using Power BI. The final model developed was a LSTM neural network, which was launched into production.

Freelance Software Developer

I am not completely sure how to call this. There is a tech center in my town called ‘Centro Tecnológico del Mármol y la Piedra’, which is a research center that focuses on the development of software for the marble industry. They usually work in European projects, and they have trusted me to develop some of the software for these projects. I have worked with them in two different projects:





You can contact me at my email address: `joseantoniolorencio@gmail.com’. I will be happy to answer any question you may have (or at least to pass it to ChatGPT).

You can also add me on LinkedIn, where you can find more information about my work experience and education.